Ente finanziatore: Forma. Temp
Apl promotrice: Quanta S.p.A.
Ente attuatore: Quanta Risorse Umane S.p.A.
Progetto di riqualificazione professionale rivolto a lavoratori attualmente in disponibilità (Art. 25 del CCNL della Somministrazione).
Codice progetto: 012RPRTI2015947
Corso per impiegata amministrativa (40 ore) + Corso di Lingua Inglese livello A1 (40 ore)
Impiegato Amministrativo – 40 ore (22 ore Teoria/18 ore Pratica)
Modulo I: Attività amministrative - 16 ore (10 ore Teoria/6 ore Pratica)
- L’emissione e la registrazione di documenti amministrativi e contabili
- Emissione di DDT
- Controllo dei conti bancari
- Quando è necessario scrivere: selezionare obiettivi e contenuti
- Tecniche per una scrittura corretta ed efficace
- Presa di appunti, stesura di report e verbali
- Scrivere lettere e note
- Esercitazioni
Modulo II: Word ed Excel: utilizzo dei due applicativi nella gestione delle attività amministrative - 24 ore (12 ore Teoria/12 ore Pratica)
- Stesura di documenti utilizzando Word
- L’utilizzo di Excel nella gestione del lavoro
40 ore (25 ore Teoria/15 ore Pratica)
Modulo I: GRAMMAR - 15 ore (10 Teoria/5 Pratica)
- To be
- To have
- Present simple
- Present progressive (for actions in progress now)
- Past simple
- Future (present progressive for arrangements, "going to" for intentions and predicting the future based on present evidence, will for decisions taken at that moment)
- Can (ability/permission) / could (permission or request)
- Must / mustn't
- Would like (I'd, you'd etc.)
- Prepositions of place
- Prepositions of movement
- Prepositions of time
- Have got
- Definite and indefinite article, zero article
- Possessive adjectives and pronouns
- Demonstrative adjectives
- Personal pronouns (subject)
- Personal pronouns (object)
- Plurals (regular, irregular)
- There is/there are
- Some/any
- Countable/uncountable nouns
- Possessive "s" (Peter's house)
- Comparatives and superlatives
Modulo II: FUNCTIONS - 15 ore (10 Teoria/5 Pratica)
- Introducing yourself and asking questions about others
- Greeting people / meeting people
- Asking and saying what people do
- Describing people's appearance and character
- Asking for and giving personal details: age, height, etc.
- Describing a place
- Asking for information
- Asking and saying how much things are
- Ordering a meal
- Asking for and telling the time/ day/ date
- Talking about people's homes
- Talking about likes and dislikes
- Talking about routine activities
- Talking about the weather
- Talking about ability and skills
- Talking about one's health
- Talking about the future: arrangements
- Asking for and giving directions
- Asking and saying what people are doing/do
- Describing objects and giving information(shape, size, weight, colour, purpose)
- Talking about the past
- Making comparisons
- Expressing preferences and giving opinions (like / don't like / I think)
- Basic telephone language
Modulo III: VOCABULARY AND IDIOMS - 10 ore (5 Teoria/5 Pratica)
- Alphabet, numbers and colours
- Countries and nationalities
- Jobs/ Office vocabulary
- Rooms and furniture
- Family members
- Clothes/Appearance and personality
- Food and drink
- Shops
- Health/illnesses/ Parts of the Body
- Places/ Means of transport