“Training and Resources to Enable a green Era - TREE”

Programme: Erasmus +
Action: KA2 Small Scale
Target audience: green economy professionals, companies, training institutions, universities, ONG, PMI.
Duration: 18 months from October 2023 to March 2025
The project is led by a consortium of three partners from three European countries: AdIM Srl, AiNP-Agencia Internacional Newproject, Zeus Consulting IKE. All partners have technical expertise to achieve the project objectives and extensive experience in participating in and managing national and/or European projects.

Training: Green Jobs & Skills

The transition to a green, and more digital, economy and society will disrupt the labour market and create new skills needs across sectors and occupations. Europe will need to invest in upskilling and reskilling its workforce. The ability of renewable energy to create jobs and meet climate goals is beyond doubt. In this context, vocational education and training (VET) plays a leading role.

Statistical data shows that job growth is expected in almost all sectors as employers opt for more sustainable business models. Skills will be required at all levels, mitigating to some extent the polarisation of the labour market at both ends of the qualification scale.

Cedefop defines 'skills for the green transition' as skills needed to live, work and act in economies and societies that enable and support the minimisation of the negative impact of human activity on the environment. They are cross-cutting, encompass sustainable thinking and action, and apply to all economic sectors and professions, not just 'green' ones.

When we talk about green jobs, we are talking about workplaces that aim to safeguard the earth and support economic development without negatively impacting the environment: supporting the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, optimizing resources and using renewable energy, reducing waste as much as possible. The most sought-after professions in the coming years will certainly concern photovoltaics, green marketing, green chemistry, sustainable agriculture, but also the development of green software, new socio-legal guidelines on environmental protection and consequently soft skills such as problem solving skills, management of innovative and technological solutions will have to be green.

This document illustrates, as part of the project "Training and Resources to Enable a green Era – TREE", a training course with which it is intended to contribute to the development of skills and professional opportunities in environmental matters, with particular reference to Green Jobs and emerging careers in order to promote the professional integration of young people in the green economy sectors.

The main requirements that identify Green Skills are the aptitude for energy saving and the propensity for environmental sustainability; in addition to these two basic skills, to define a subject with Green skills, it is also required:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Ability to manage innovative solutions 
  • Mathematical and computer skills

The course, delivered in e-learning mode, will be structured in 12 courses of 2 hours each, lasting a total of 24 hours, where topics related to the soft skills indicated below will be covered through digital content, practical activities and spaces for discussion.

  • A1- Environmental awareness
  • A2- Interpersonal skills
  • A3- Entrepreneurial skills
  • A4- Transversal technological skills